Instructions for Authors
Aims & Scope
The Korean Journal of Plant Resources is the official journal published bimonthly in February 28, April 30, June 30, August 31, October 31 and December 31 each year. Abbreviated title is ‘Korean J. Plant Res.’ It was launched in October 30, 1988. Contributions written in English and Korean are welcomed in the form of review articles, research papers, and research notes. This journal aims to promote and encourage the advancement of the field of resources plant. Topics covered include: • Taxonomy of resources plant • Ecology of resources plant • Functional products of resources plant • Genetic resources of plant.
- ▬ Total or part of the articles in this Journal are abstracted in National Discovery for Science Leaders ( and Korea Citation Index (
- ▬ Circulation number of print copies is 400. Full text is freely available from:,
- ▬ Manuscript should be submitted via the online manuscript website ( Other correspondences can be e-mailed to, Tel: +82-31-202-4116, +82-0502-202-4567.
- ▬ Correspondence concerning business matters should be addressed to Secretary-Treasurer, Dr, Kyong-Sook Chung, (Jungwon University). The subscription price of this journal is Korean Won, ₩30,000 (US$30.00 or equivalent) annually.
Open Access Policy
All articles of The Korean Journal of Plant Resources follow Open Access Policy and are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Peer Review Process
All manuscripts are peer-reviewed by at least two or three anonymous reviewers solicited by the editor. Authors are welcome to include suggested reviewers when the manuscript is submitted. Review status of the manuscript is posted on the KJPR Editorial Manager website. Decision letter along with reviewers’ comments will be sent to the corresponding author when the editor’s decision is made whether it is to accept, request minor revision, request major revision, request revision and resubmit, or reject. When the final revision is approved by main Editor, its publication date is scheduled by Editorial Board for available issue.
Conflict of Interests
All authors must disclose all relationships or interests that could inappropriately influence or bias their work. Authors can disclose potential conflicts of interest via the online submission system during the submission process. Declarations regarding conflicts of interest can also be collected via the KJPR disclosure form. The corresponding author must include a summary statement in the manuscript in a separate section “Conflicts of Interest” placed just before the reference list. The statement should reflect all the collected potential conflict of interest disclosures in the form.
General Instructions
- 1. OneofthecontributorsmustholdmembershipinthePlantResourcesSocietyofKorea.Amembershoulddohis/herduty such as paying membership fees at the time of submitting papers.
- 2. The Korean Journal of Plant Resources accepts original articles, short reports, reviews or mini-reviews, erratum, information and materials for research works concerning plant resources. Original articles and short reports must be of original research which have not been submitted elsewhere, other than as an abstract of an oral or poster presentation. Information is the papers on research, technical and other information for developing plant resources.
- 3. Authorsmustpayfixedfeeforpublication,reviews,andrevisions(ifnecessary)ofpapers.Ifpapersexceedthepagelimit, the authors will be charged at cost for extra pages. Fees for rejected papers will be returned to authors. At author’s expense, art pages, color prints and other special materials can be made.
- 4. SubmissionofManuscripts:Manuscriptshouldbesubmittedthroughtheon-linemanuscriptwebsite( Other correspondences can be e-mailed to, Tel: +82-31-202-4116, +82-0502-202-4567. Two copies of manuscripts (an original and a copy) should be submitted to the Journal. After acceptance, final manuscript and one CD-ROM must be sent to the Journal within fixed period. Papers will not be published if the authors do not observe this date. Submitted manuscripts are not to be returned. Manuscripts must be submitted to the editor at least 2 months before the wanted date of publication.
- Peer-Review: All manuscripts are treated as confidential. They are peer-reviewed by at least 3 anonymous reviewers selected by the editors. Rejected papers will not be peer-reviewed again. Reviews usually take at least 1 month, but manu- scripts that took more than 1 month of review period will be published on the following issue of the Journal.
- 5. AllmanuscriptsmustbesubmittedinKoreanorinEnglish.Figures,tablesandpicturesinmanuscriptsshouldbemadeso that they can be photo-ready copied. All detailed information on manuscript structure and styles are presented in following “Writing manuscript”of Plant Resources Society of Korea.
- 6. Editorial board will decide the acceptance of manuscripts, volume of the Journal to be published, order of papers to be published, and revisions of manuscripts. Manuscripts which do not follow the Journal’s publication polices may be with held from publication by the decisions of editorial board. Authors are responsible for contents and styles of manuscripts, as well as misprinting. A manuscript which was not submitted within 6 months of revision request must be resubmitted.
- 7. Manuscript must be arrived to editor before the final date of publication. Manuscripts and other documents for revision should be submitted in person or by registered mail.
- 8. Publication fee is ₩200,000 by 12 pages and extra cost will be charged to color printing. In case of including acknowledgements, an additional fee of ₩100,000 will be charged per full manuscript. After acceptance of manuscripts, corresponding author must submit 1 CD-ROM with titles and names of authors on it. Figures and tables of manuscript to be submitted after final reviews must be included following reference sections. The authors will receive 30 reprints free of charge and can purchase additional reprints in case the order is made before publication.
Writing Manuscripts
- 1. Format and Organization
- (1) Manuscripts must be in Korean or in English and printed A-4 size paper. Two copies of double-spaced, 22 line, manuscript should be submitted.
- (2) Title of a manuscript, and names of authors and their affiliations must be in Korean and in English. Korean titles must proceed English in Korean manuscript and English in English. Names of affiliation, must be below the names of authors. For multiple affiliations, use respective superscript numbers to match authors and their affiliations. Use full name of each authors with family name put on last.
- (3) English abstract should not exceed 200 words with Korean manuscript and Korean 800 words with English manuscript.
- (4) Manuscript should be arranged in the following order.
- 1) English manuscript
Title page, Abstracts, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussions (or Results and Discussion), References. - 2) Korean manuscript
Title page, English Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussions (or Results and Discussion), and References. Acknowledgement is mentioned on the page below the Discussion.
- 1) English manuscript
- (5) List a maximum of 6 keywords in alphabetical order below Abstracts. Words which have been used in the title should not be used.
- (6) Binary nomenclature of plant species, written in italics be used when they first appear in the text.
- 2. Manuscript Preparation
- (1) Title page
On the title page, include type of manuscript, title, full name of each author and institution where the research was done with mailing address. Corresponding author should be noted by an asterisk. Running head within 5 words and number of extra copies of reprints. - (2) Abstract
The abstract should be a concise summation of the objectives, materials used, major treatments, results and conclusion written in a paragraph. - (3) Key words
Number of key words which express main characters and results of research should be within 6. - (4) Text
- 1) Use the following structure in your text: Introduction, MaterialsandMethods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgment and References.
- 2) Tables,figures and plates can be used in the text. Figure should be abbreviated to Fig. and Fig. should proceed table in case of simultaneous citation.
- ex> (Table 1), (Fig. 1), (Plate 1), (Fig. 1, Table 1)
- 3) Original author of plant species shouldbe mentioned when they first appear in the text. For abbreviation of author’s name, consult “Authors of Plant Name”(Brummitt and Powell, 1992, Royal Botanic Gardens. Kew) or TL-2(Taxonomic Literature).
- 4) International system of units(SI units) should be followed and allow one space between number and units expect % and degree ( ° ).
- 5) For references in the text, note the following examples.
- ex〉1 author : (Kim, 1995)
- ex〉2 authors : (Kim and Lee, 1995)
- ex〉3 authors : (Kim et al., 1995)
- ex〉in press : (Kim, in press)
- ex〉not published or personal communication : (I. Lee, pers. comm.), (S. Kim, pers. obs.), (T. Kang et al., unpubl. data) ex〉For multiple citation, arrange in the order of year published. (Park, 1973; Lee et al., 1975; Kim,1995) Use semicolons between reference.
- ex〉Multiple citation of same authors : (Choi, 1983; 1985)
- (5) References
- 1) All references should be listed in alphabetical order, by the author’s family names. Names of authors, year, titles, name of journals, volume, and pages should be included. For the same author or for the same set of authors, references should be arranged chronologically.
- 2) References section should be written in English. When this is not possible, Korean can be used, following English in Korean alphabetical order.
- 3) For correct citation, consult original papers.
- 4) For references not written in English, indicate original language.
- Kim, J.H. 1998. A synopsis of Korean Euonymus. Korean J. Plant Res. 10:212-235 (in Korean).
- 5) For repeated citation by same authors, use underline of 2.5cm instead of names.
- 6) For preparation of references, note the following example.
- ex〉For citation of reference written in foreign language
- - Nakai, T. 1911. Flora Koreana. Pars secunda. J. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo 31:1-573.
- - Cronquist, A., A. Takhtajan and W. Zimmermann. 1969. On the higher texa of Embryobionta. Taxon 15:129-134.
- ex〉For citation of a book
- - Wendel, J.F. and N.F. Weeden. 1989. Visualization and interpretation of plant isozymes. In Soltis, D.E. and P.S. Soltis (eds.), Isozymes in Plant Biology, Dioscorides Press, Portland, OR. pp. 5-45.
- - Soltis, D.E. and P.S. Soltis. 1989. Isozymes in Plant Biology. Dioscorides Press, Portland, OR.
- (1) Title page
Check List for Manuscript
- ― Title of the manuscript:
- Please, check below items as ✔. mark before submission of the manuscript.
- 1. General guideline
- • Manuscript contained one original manuscript, checklist, statement of copyright transfer, and introduction for authors and was dispatched via email (Statement of copyright transfer should be dispatched via MS word or Hanggul file)
- • Manuscript should be typed in Haangul or other word processor with a space of 25 mm from left and right margin, 12.0 pt in font size, and line space of 200%.
- • Main text consisted of Introduction, Material and Methods, and Results and Discussions, Acknowledgment and Literature Cited.
- 2. Cover page
- • Title, name of authors, affiliation was described both in English and in Korean.
- • In lower area of cover page, the name, address, email, telephone, fax of the corresponding author or presentation in the scientific meeting were described.
- 3. Abstract and Keywords
- • Word count was equal to or less than 300.
- • A total number of word count was described below abstract.
- • Keywords were equal to or less than 5.
- 4. Main text
- • The order of the subtitle was described according to the Instructions to Authors.
- • References in the main text were described according to the Instructions to Authors.
- 5. References
- • Every articles in References were cited in the main text.
- • References were numbered according to numeric order.
- • All references were written in English.
- • The reference style was followed by the Instructions to Authors.
- 6. Tables and figures
- • The titles and legends of tables and figures were written in English.
- • Photos were in required format.
- • The numbers of tables and figures were described according to the Instructions to Authors.