Research Article
Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Cirsium nipponicum Extracts via Inhibition of JNK and NF-κB Signaling and Activation of ROS/PI3K/Nrf2/HO-1 Pathways in RAW264.7 Cells
RAW264.7 세포에서 물엉겅퀴(Cirsium nipponicum) 추출물의 JNK와 NF-κB 신호전달 억제와 ROS/PI3K/Nrf2/HO-1 신호전달 활성화를 통한 항염증 활성
Sang Hun Lee, Jeong Won Choi, Hyeok Jin Choi, So Jung Park, Jin Hyuk Hwang, Yeong-Su Kim, Kwangmo Hwang, Jin Boo Jeong
이상훈, 최정원, 최혁진, 박소정, 황진혁, 김영수, 황광모, 정진부
- Chronic inflammation serves as both a catalyst and an exacerbating factor for numerous diseases, posing significant health risks. This study investigates the …
- Chronic inflammation serves as both a catalyst and an exacerbating factor for numerous diseases, posing significant health risks. This study investigates the anti-inflammatory properties of CNL, aiming to elucidate their mechanistic roles in inflammation modulation in LPS-stimulated RAW264.7 cells. CNL inhibited excessive NO production and iNOS expression induced by LPS in RAW264.7 cells. While CNL failed to inhibit LPS-induced phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and p38 in RAW264.7 cells, CNL significantly reduced the phosphorylation of JNK and p65. CNL elevated the protein levels of HO-1 and nuclear Nrf2 in RAW264.7 cells. Moreover, the inhibition of HO-1 by ZnPP attenuated the NO-suppressive activity induced by CNL. In addition, CNL induced PI3K activation, and inhibition of PI3K by LY294002 reduced the elevation of HO-1 and nuclear Nrf2 protein levels mediated by CNL. The inhibition of ROS by NAC reduced the PI3K activation and the elevation of HO-1 and nuclear Nrf2 protein levels induced by CNL. Taken together, these findings suggest that CNL inhibit NO production by suppressing iNOS expression through the inhibition of JNK and NF-κB signaling pathways and by activating the ROS/PI3K/Nrf2/HO-1 signaling cascade. - COLLAPSE
Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Cirsium nipponicum Extracts via Inhibition of JNK and NF-κB Signaling and Activation of ROS/PI3K/Nrf2/HO-1 Pathways in RAW264.7 Cells
Research Article
Autophagy-Inducing Activity of Wild Simulated Ginseng Extract through Increasing p62/SQSTM1 in RAW264.7 Mouse Macrophages
마우스 대식세포 주 RAW264.7 세포에서 산양삼 추출물의 p62/SQSTM1 증가를 통한 자가포식 유도 활성
Jeong Won Choi, Yurry Um, Hyeok Jin Choi, So Jung Park, Sang Hun Lee, Jin Hyuk Hwang, Yeong-Bae Yun, Jin Boo Jeong
최정원, 엄유리, 최혁진, 박소정, 이상훈, 황진혁, 윤영배, 정진부
- Autophagy contributes to enhancing the immune system (innate and adaptive immune system) against foreign pathogens. Autophagy of macrophages is used as a …
- Autophagy contributes to enhancing the immune system (innate and adaptive immune system) against foreign pathogens. Autophagy of macrophages is used as a major indicator for developing vaccine adjuvants to increase the adaptive immune response. In this study, WSG increased p62/SQSTM1. Inhibition of TLR2 and TLR4 did not block WSG-mediated increase in p62/SQSTM1 level. However, inhibition of PI3K and AMPK blocked WSG-mediated increase of p62/SQSTM1. WSG activated PI3K and AMPK. WSG increased Nrf2 level and the inhibition of PI3K and AMPK reduced WSG-mediated increase of Nrf2. Taken together, it is believed that WSG may induce autophagy through upregulating p62/SQSTM1 via PI3K and AMPK/Nrf2 signaling pathway. - COLLAPSE
Autophagy-Inducing Activity of Wild Simulated Ginseng Extract through Increasing p62/SQSTM1 in RAW264.7 Mouse Macrophages
Research Article
Polyphenol Profiling and Comparison of Useful Component Content According to Extraction Solvents and Plant Part of Persicaria chinensis
덩굴모밀의 폴리페놀 프로파일링과 추출용매 및 부위에 따른 유용성분 함량 비교
Daeho Choi, Jungmok Kang, Eun-Suk Jung, Yong-Woo Park
최대호, 강정목, 정은숙, 박용우
- This study was conducted to provide information on the possibility of using Pericaria chinensis as resource plant. Through polyphenol profiling of P. …
- This study was conducted to provide information on the possibility of using Pericaria chinensis as resource plant. Through polyphenol profiling of P. chinensis, 12 polyphenol compounds were identified in P. chinensis extract through LC-ESI-MS analysis. The contents of gallic acid, neochlorogenic acid, corilagin, geraniin, ellagic acid, and miquelianin, determined by HPLC, were compared based on extraction solvent and plant part. Gallic acid was highest at 1.92±0.05 ㎎/g in the water extract, neochlorogenic acid was 4.70±0.19 ㎎/g in the 70% methanol extract, corilagin was 2.38±0.08 ㎎/g in the 70% methanol and geraniin was highest at 7.81±0.34 ㎎/g in the 70% methanol extract. Ellagic acid and miquelianin was highest in the 70% methanol extract. All compounds were detected in the leaves. No compounds other than gallic acid were detected in the root, while miquelianin was not detected in the stem. Gallic acid content was highest at 0.78±0.05 ㎎/g in the root whereas the other polyphenol compounds exhibited the highest concentrations in the leaves. - COLLAPSE
Polyphenol Profiling and Comparison of Useful Component Content According to Extraction Solvents and Plant Part of Persicaria chinensis
Research Article
Evaluation of the Agronomic Characteristics and Fatty Acid Components of the Oilseed Rape (Brassica napus L.) Germplasms with Multivariate Analysis
유채 유전자원의 농업적 특성 및 지방산 조성 다변량 분석
Hyun Min Cho, Da Hee An, Ji Bong Choi, Dong Sung Kim, Soo Yeon Kim, Young Lok Cha, Jaehee Jeong
조현민, 안다희, 최지봉, 김동성, 김수연, 차영록, 정재희
- This study analyzed 10 agronomic traits and 8 fatty acid contents in 129 oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) genetic resources collected …
- This study analyzed 10 agronomic traits and 8 fatty acid contents in 129 oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) genetic resources collected domestically and abroad by the National Agrobiodiversity Center of the Rural Development Administration. Key traits varied widely: days to flowering (137–188 day), plant height (79.3–198.7 ㎝), seeds per pod (13.3–32.2 ea), 1000-seed weight (2.3–6.4 g), erucic acid content (0–51.9%), and oleic acid content (9.7–70.4%). Correlation analysis revealed a strong positive correlation (r=0.633***) between days to flowering and plant height, and a significant negative correlation (r=-0.984***) between erucic and oleic acid contents. Principal component analysis explained 73.9% of total variation using five principal components, with erucic and oleic acid influencing the first component, and plant height and branch length shaping the second. Genetic resources were classified into five clusters, with Cluster II (28.7% of accessions) showing early flowering, the most seeds, low erucic acid, and high oleic acid. The findings of this study will serve as a valuable foundation for the characterization of oilseed rape genetic resources and the selection of appropriate crosses for breeding applications. - COLLAPSE
Evaluation of the Agronomic Characteristics and Fatty Acid Components of the Oilseed Rape (Brassica napus L.) Germplasms with Multivariate Analysis
Research Article
Floristic Study of Mt. Myeongji (Gapyeong-gun) in Korea
명지산(가평군)의 관속식물상
Seog Woo Kwon
- The current study aimed to investigate the distribution of vascular plants vegetated in Mt. Myeongji (Gapyeong-gun), Korea. Twenty one field surveys from …
- The current study aimed to investigate the distribution of vascular plants vegetated in Mt. Myeongji (Gapyeong-gun), Korea. Twenty one field surveys from March 2023 to June 2024 revealed 701 taxa of vascular plants in total, representing 642 species, 19 subspecies, 37 varieties, one form, and two hybrids belonging to 374 genera of 109 families. Of these taxa, 30 taxa are endemic to Korea, two are endangered(Cypripedium japonicum, Pedicularis ishidoyana), and 18 are Korean red list of threatened species. Among 157 taxa of the floristic target species to Korea resulted from the surveys, two belongs to grade V, 17 taxa to grade IV, 53 to III, 48 to II, and 37 taxa to grade I, subsequently. Those species whose southern limits in their distribution boundaries are at the surveyed and nearby areas were revealed 130 taxa. Alien species were recorded to 41 taxa with 9.0% of the Naturalized Index and 10.5% of Urbanization Index calculated. Of 677 taxa reported in the previous floristic studies of current research sites, 520 taxa were confirmed in their vegetations, but 157 taxa were not found through this study. Finally, a total of 701 taxa were recorded by this study with 181 taxa added newly. - COLLAPSE
Floristic Study of Mt. Myeongji (Gapyeong-gun) in Korea
Research Article
Flora of Jangbongdo, Modo, Sido, and Sindo Islands (Bukdo-myeon, Ongjin-gun, Incheon Metropolitan City)
장봉도, 모도, 시도, 신도(인천광역시 옹진군 북도면) 식물상
Nuree Na, Jaesang Chung, Subin Gwak, Hogeun Yun, Dong-Hak Kim, Sang-Jun Kim, Hyeong-Bok Cho, Jong-Won Lee, Kyung-Ryul Byun, Jung Won Yoon
나누리, 정재상, 곽수빈, 윤호근, 김동학, 김상준, 조형복, 이종원, 변경열, 윤정원
- This floristic study was conducted over 8 days, from March to October 2023, in Jangbongdo, Modo, Sido, and Sindo islands, which are …
- This floristic study was conducted over 8 days, from March to October 2023, in Jangbongdo, Modo, Sido, and Sindo islands, which are part of Bukdo-myeon, Ongjin-gun, Incheon Metropolitan City. The vascular flora identified in the study included 99 families, 329 genera, 528 species, 16 subspecies, 40 varieties, and 6 forms, totally 590 taxa. Ten taxa were classified as rare plants designated by the Korea National Arboretum, including Chrysanthemum indicum L. and Iris ruthenica Ker Gawl. as Endangered species, and Inula salicina L. and Senecio nemorensis L. as Vulnerable species. Eight taxa endemic to the Korean Peninsula were confirmed, such as Clematis brachyura Maxim. and Hepatica insularis Nakai. A total of 69 floristic target species were identified, including I. ruthenica Ker Gawl. as Grade V, Prunus davidiana (Carrière) Franch. and Polygala sibirica L. as Grade IV, and Betula davurica Pall., B. schmidtii Regel, and C. brachyura Maxim. as Grade III. Halophytes were found to comprise 30 taxa, and useful plants were 547 taxa. A total of 71 alien species and 9 invasive species were identified, with the naturalization rate in the study area calculated at 12.0%. - COLLAPSE
Flora of Jangbongdo, Modo, Sido, and Sindo Islands (Bukdo-myeon, Ongjin-gun, Incheon Metropolitan City)
Research Article
The Flora of Vascular Plants in Jung-do Island (Chuncheon, Gangwon)
중도(춘천, 강원)의 관속식물상
Ah-Reum Go, Tae Wook Kim, Ki-Oug Yoo
고아름, 김태욱, 유기억
- The vascular flora of Jung-do Island located at Chuncheon-si, was surveyed 17 times from April 2022 to July 2024. This survey revealed …
- The vascular flora of Jung-do Island located at Chuncheon-si, was surveyed 17 times from April 2022 to July 2024. This survey revealed 411 taxa, consisting of 93 families, 264 genera, 368 species, 12 subspecies, 27 varieties, and four forms. Among them, six taxa were endemic plants to Korea, and eight taxa were rare plants. The three taxa were red list plants and 98 taxa were species subject to the approval of outbound transfer. The floristic target species amounted to 43 taxa. Additionally, four taxa have been identified as plants adaptable to climate change, as designated by the Korean Forest Service, whereas no climate-sensitive biological indicator species designated by the Ministry of Environment has been recognized. The 92 taxa of alien plants and six taxa of ecosystem disturbance species were also found. Useful plants listed consists of 157 taxa of pasture plants, 143 taxa of edible plants, 126 taxa of medicinal plants. Compared to previous studies, the total number of taxa increased, but rare plants decreased, and naturalized species increased. Therefore, this study suggests that urbanization of this area is progressing at a rapid pace. - COLLAPSE
The Flora of Vascular Plants in Jung-do Island (Chuncheon, Gangwon)
Research Article
Bryophytes and Vascular Flora of Mt. Gamaksan (Paju, Gyeonggi)
감악산(경기 파주)의 선태 및 관속식물상
Eunhwa Yoo, Kyounghoon Kim, Shin-Ho Kang
유은화, 김경훈, 강신호
- This study presented the flora of land plants (Bryophytes and Tracheophytes) within Mt. Gamaksan that located in Paju-si, Yangju-si, and Yeoncheon-gun, Gyeonggi-do. …
- This study presented the flora of land plants (Bryophytes and Tracheophytes) within Mt. Gamaksan that located in Paju-si, Yangju-si, and Yeoncheon-gun, Gyeonggi-do. The investigation was conducted 14 times from March 2019 to March 2020, and from March 2022 to September 2023. The land plants in Mt. Gamaksan were identified as a total 523 taxa with 123 families, 338 genera, 487 species, 6subspecies, 29 varieties and 2 forms. Among them, bryophytes amounted to 69 taxa, tracheophytes amounted to 455 taxa, respectively. In total, there were 53 floristic target species of Korean Peninsula, including 14 taxa of Ⅲ level, 16 taxa of Ⅱ level, and 24 taxa of Ⅰ level. Also, there were 6 endemic species, one rare plant, and one climate sensitive biological indicator plant. Based on the result of this study several species that should be preserved and could establish the data for management of Mt. Gamaksan area. - COLLAPSE
Bryophytes and Vascular Flora of Mt. Gamaksan (Paju, Gyeonggi)